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eThursday Envelopes

eThursday Envelopes

The eThursday Envelope is a way to help the school save money, help the environment and save you time! It’s simple. It’s the on-line version of our “paper” Thursday Envelope. You receive an email Thursday when the eThursday Envelope is ready to be viewed—you simply click the link in the email and all of that week’s flyers and notes are available to you on-line! Note: confidential information is never posted on eThursday & items like that and a few other things will still come home in your “paper” Thursday Envelope.

Each family will still receive a Green paper Thursday Family Envelope because there’s a chance something needs to be sent home as “hard copies” every now and then, and confidential information is never posted on eThursday. PLEASE be sure this Green paper envelope is returned to the office NO LATER THAN THE FOLLOWING TUESDAY when it does come home, WITH THE CHILD WHO BROUGHT IT HOME (not a sibling in a different classroom). Envelopes are sent with the Oldest or Only child in the family. I have quite a few missing in the office.

Not receiving eThursday emails from school? Click Here

2024-2025 school year

2024-2025 school year

January 9,2025

Please consider supporting our school by particpating in Box Tops for Education. It is a great program and easy way to support the school.
The Sisters of St.Francis of Christ the King are offering tutoring services -please click on link for more information.
January 16th is our next restaurant fundraiser at Buona Beef Rainbow Cone- Please see attached for more information.
Please make sure to notify the school office if your child is going to be absent, as well as any change in dismissal or arrival, so the teachers and staff are all aware.
Parents of Bus Riders- Please make sure your child/children are always getting on the same bus at the transfer point. These buses have assigned seating and are at capacity. It is for the safety of all students. Please contact Mrs.O'Neill in the school office with any questions.
Assignment notebooks are still available for $10 in the school office- the amount will be deducted from FACTS. Please contact school office if you are interested.
Fenwick High School is hosting a Winter Carnival on February 2nd- please see attached for more information.
Schoolbelles is having a New Year Sale- please see attached flyer for more information.

December 19,2024

December 12,2024

December 4,2024

November 21,2024

November 14,2024

November 7,2024

October 31,2024

October 24,2024

October 17,2024

October 10,2024

October 3,2024

September 26,2024

September 19,2024

September 12,2024

September 5,2024

August 29,2024

August 22,2024

August 15th,2024

June 6,2024

May 30,2024

May 23,2024

May 16,2024

May 9th,2024

May 2,2024

April 25,2024

April 18,2024

April 11,2024

March 28,2024

March 21,2024

March 14,2024

March 7,2024

February 29,2024

February 22,2024

February 15,2024

February 8,2024

February 1,2024

January 25,2024